Lundi 31 mars, 2025,  23:24:14   

Contact Vegeal

Use the form below to contact us.

We do not publish any of our E-Mail addresses in clear on the site because it is impossible to keep them out of reach from spammers.

Spammers always try to include hyperlinks in their junk messages, thus no links or html code is allowed in messages. The detection of such links or other code will simply cause the message to be flagged as spam. (spam message are NOT delivered and just go into oblivion)

Overly long messages are considered as spam as well. The message text box of 10 lines of 70 columns is more than sufficient to initiate contact.

An E-Mail address is required, so we can respond to you.

Before sending your message, tell us that you are a human by clicking the box on the left. <== Then click on the button ENVOYER.

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Your E-mail address:

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